Monday, October 13, 2014

i am a foodie..

  1. Cookie Monster @ Afters Ice Cream in Fountain Valley
  2. Tuna Tartare @ Santa Monica Seafood in Costa Mesa
  3. Oysters & Garlic rice @ Artist Cafe in Garden Grove
Afters is a really popular ice cream place in OC, it has it's infamous donut ice cream sandwich, which is a wonderful bite of diabetes, but yolo right cause it's hella good.. haha out of all the flavors i really like the cookie monster. my friends top favorites are their milk&cereal & their jasmine milk tea.

Santa Monica Seafood in Costa Mesa has really fresh tasting fish. it's probably the freshest tasting tuna tartare i've had around here in OC. it's a really small restaurant & i'm pretty sure people go there to buy fresh fish then go home to cook, but it's good to wait since service is really nice.

Artist Cafe in Garden Grove, okay, it's like an asian pub.. you got your scary thug looking asian men sitting around watching football, but just go before 4pm when they open around 3pm, is what i recommend if you're not down to feel intense atmosphere. the oysters are THE BEST here & i love love love the garlic rice with bo luc lac (shaken beef steak cubes) it's hella bomb.

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