Tuesday, October 14, 2014

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ・°☆.~.:*・

This is my favorite figure in my entire anime figure collection, i wanted her for a long time since yu-gi-oh was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. i luckily found her at an anime convention (i don't remember the name... sorry) for $75! AH! it was a definite must have for me.

Recently, i've been using my instax film more often it's something that i think is a really popular item most people this generation seem to have now because it's easier to get now that they sell at Urban Outfitters & such instead of before when my first instax i had to get online from overseas.. I also recently got Nike Air Max 90's i wanted clean white shoes & this was the perfect shoes. i think it gives me slightly a little more height, it's comfy to wear & very popular in those "tumblr" "hipster" "soft grunge" or whatever fashion, but yeah i get paranoid on getting them dirty, but i think even dirty would give the shoes a bit of character~ very happy with my new shoes! much swag~

some random things i saw at downtown disney haha! (͒ ˊ• ૢ·̫•ˋૢ)

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