Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I am truly so thankful & blessed~

i am so thankful & blessed for my family & friends who support me in everything i do. win or lose at things in life, i've learned that if i at least try, even when things get tough, i will live with no regrets because i tried & the effort means more really to me than anything else. i believe god will bless those efforts one day later in life. i'm really thankful though, that god has given me so many opportunities in life of the things i can do. the people i've gotten to meet, my idols & just all the things that keep me alive to show me that life's really worth living & sometimes i forget that but when realization hits, i truly am thankful for everything, i'm thankful for this life & i will try my best to continue to put in as much as i can to be able to get more out of things than just waiting for things. again, i just am so thankful, i love everyone that's come into my life, especially my family & thank you god always. the year's almost over, it's time to make the best of what is left.