Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 2020


Y'ALL WE ARE GOING TO BTS MAP OF THE SOUL TOUR ALL 3 LA DAYS! & the final day is GOLD SOUNDCHECK PACKAGE FLOOR SEATS RIGHT NEXT TO THE STAGE 😭honestly the concert could get canceled because of the corona virus going on, but either way if it does happen all 3 days i have such amazing seats to experience BTS live this year, but i would understand if it does get canceled too ): me & nikki got good luck this year with ticket buying~

Uniqlo X Disney X AMBUSH

Tokyo Godfathers (2003) watched it for the first time in theaters with my brother and male best friend, really enjoyed it. Great modern 3 wise men type Christmas theme. Very different from Satoshi Kon's other work like Perfect Blue & Paranoia Agent 🎞

if you're playing Obey Me! feel free to add me~