Monday, October 28, 2019

20191028 Hyolyn 효린 Busking @ Santa Monica Pier

so around 2pm i decided to browse through instagram stories & i saw hyolyn posted she was performing at santa monica pier at 5pm & i was like what the?? A FREE PERFORMANCE FROM HYOLYN?! SISTAR'S HYOLYN?! so me & my friend Nikki decided to YOLO drive from OC to LA to see her perform & yooooo it was like the most personal concert experience ever! there wasn't much people (not surprised because this was last minute af, but that's great) & LOL i cheered so loud for her but like yolo when will i ever get to cheer for her RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER?! after performing from sunset to literally when the sun was down, she took pictures with us ;__; this was so worth it. literally fat mood was i saved $200 from going to a concert + meet & greet LOL i'm so glad i got to go even though it was a monday & i looked hella crusty HAHA what a way to end my October! my arms are sore from filming the entire thing tho... but yes, an entire almost hour long fancam for y'all up on my youtube channel / below this post! enjoy & again i feel so blessed!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

October 2019

gifts from Canada from my em Vivian :')

bad luck but good luck~

Friday, October 25, 2019

Parasite 기생충 (2019)

this is probably the first time i felt like i should type up a review about the movie (also no spoilers so don't worry!) so in all honesty, this is probably my favorite movie in the longest time. i haven't seen a movie in awhile where i've felt like wow.. so one of those wow factors is how the director used the filming style to really get the point across about the two families differences & the way they speak too & the line between everything in the movie. i'm not good at eloquently typing this all out without spoiling, so to just get to my point. it was a beautifully filmed movie that really distinguished the line between the characters & crossing that line. all the symbolic things that showed key points in the movie that foreshadowed the end & even certain things that were said throughout the film connected everything & perfectly all wrapped it up & yeah, it's a fucking great movie & deserves so much awards & appreciation from the people! please go watch if you haven't~

my favorite quote from the movie

i accidentally met the artist from the movie?? LOL so when my friend from Canada was in town i wanted to show her around my local korean mall & the CGV theater i watched the movie at & i saw there was a booth selling official merch of the art from the movie & yeah the lady at the booth is actually the artist's wife & he walked over & introduced himself & i just had a great fun chat with them in english/korean LOL & they were a really sweet couple & i bought a pin cause i wanted to "have a piece of the movie" is how i feel having this pin & also the artist wanted to take a pic with me & a boomerang on his ig story which will be in my october vlog! overall, what luck! that i got to meet him while he was still having a mini art show at my local CGV^^ yeah just a random Monday.