Wednesday, December 9, 2015

My Brother's 19th Birthday.

what i ate today on my brother's birthday lol eureka! & gyu-kaku JBBQ

My Forged Wedding: Sub Story: Yamato - My Darling Loves To Cuddle

My Forged Wedding: Sub Story: Yamato - My Darling Loves To Cuddle
ah, this story was so cute. so it's based of Yamato's POV & i'm going to just summarize it quickly so *spoilers* ahead i guess, sorry most of my posts lately have been mostly summaries with reviews, it's just easiest to type. SO, starts off with yamato not knowing why the MC stormed out, but then he recalls that she was looking for a phone charm & he accidentally stepped on it & was like don't worry about it, i'll buy you a new one (if i was MC i'd be like k, bc bruh he's buying, unless it's hella sentimental, then i understand) anyways MC got mad & was like you don't understand, i guess i'm the only one who feels this way type things & he was like what? & she stormed out without having breakfast so he had to eat alone. which he felt bad about but still unsure why MC was so mad tho? then he sat around & watched a drama that reflected on what was going on with them & he was like but i didn't do anything wrong??? he gets worried a bit so he calls long island to see where MC is, she ain't there & the guys tease him on how him & MC got into a fight & he was like WHATEVER I WAS ALONE BEFORE, I'M COOL, IT'S FINE, WHATEVER. but as more things remind him of the MC, reading the photobook she has & how the charm is from their trip to hokkaido, he starts to realize he doesn't remember how life was before the MC in his life & how lonely he is without her. he fixes the charm, sorta.. then it gets later, he gets more worried & tries to call & text the MC, no work. then he heard sirens outside & thought OMFG SHE GOT HURT OR DIED OR SOMETHING WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITHOUT HER IN MY LIFE. yamato rushed out & bumped into the MC who was like what's wrong?? & he course freaking out hugged her & kissed her & it was just so cute cause he couldn't tell her but since it's his POV you know how he feels, HE TRULY LOVES THE MC SO MUCH OMG IT'S SO CUTE, there was so much feels in this sub story. they have dinner he made & he showed her the charm he fixed & she was happy it completes her new phone (which is why she couldn't call or text, she dropped her phone in water & had to get an new phone) so yeah, he held the MC's hand & was like vowing to himself to always love her & such or whatever i don't remember well, it ended pretty quick, but yeah, it was a cute sub story~ to show how you don't know what ya got till it's gone & how much yamato loves pouty, the MC. this was worth $1.99 i believe, it was fairly good length & lotsa feels.