Monday, August 8, 2016

EMC Seafood & Suicide Squad

one of my dear best friends Brittney took me out to eat at EMC to catch up & cheer me up from the dark time i've been having being on some horrible meds that's really messed me up last 2 months. i'm glad to be out on a clear mind again. it's always nice to catch up with my best friends because it never feels like it's been a long time since we last hung out, we just jump right back into where we left off. she treated -_- i couldn't fight.

then we went to watch suicide squad, it was okay.. i feel like it could've been better. 4/10, 2 points for katana & 2 points for harley quinn. overall, the plot could've honestly been better, like have the joker be the villain & have harley struggle between sides or something. like it all just felt very anti-climatic honestly.