Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Our Two Bedroom Story: Minato Okouchi

Season 1: so as usual i would pick the "main guy" bc i like those mean beginnings i guess or that whole teasing relationship where they started out like not thinking they'd end up together but then fall in love LOL idk i like how the MC in OTBS is more strong willed & talks back. i also like how the MC "changes" minato to be the guy he is now~ ah.. i just love characters like him & how they develop.

Season 2: was like a testing their relationship type season. but nothing too dramatic.. like i like that? because the mc & minato trust each other so much & it's like nothing can get in the way of this power couple no matter what drama is thrown at them.. i don't think i mentioned it in s1, but yeah he calls her pommy & treats her like a dog sometimes.. LOL ANYWAYS.. that is more often as the season goes & course this one was them getting engaged then having to live with the other co workers for awhile.

Season 3: was pretty boring so far..? like nothing too dramatic.. everything just happens so fast. yah it's cute how minato is more open about his love for the MC but literally thats only like two chapters then the rest is like random stuff.. oh! & i love how shusei is minato's best friend so he shows up so often, their bickering is cute. i know there's gonna be another main story & epilogue soon & i hope it really brings on the drama to minato's route. like when they tell everyone about their relationship.. even though like i feel like everyone pretty much knows now... LOL so obvious.