Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2016 Recap —

Usually at the end of 2016, i'd type up a recap post on the highlights of the year, things i'm thankful for, hits of realization i suddenly feel towards the year with appreciation, etc. obviously, i didn't do that. it's now January 10th, 2017. so here's my late post on the year of 2016... 2016 was pretty shitty in all honesty, i lost my mind for 3 months of it & that really messed me up. i still don't know what i'm doing with my life at all. i turn 22 next month. 2016, i am truly thankful for my friends & family of course. but yah, there's not much to go about on 2016. this is a short post. i'm pretty much done talking about that year, it wasn't a good year at all. at least it's over now. 2017 please be kind.