Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Sub Story: Drunk in Love ~Soryu

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Sub Story: Drunk in Love ~Soryu
*spoiler/summary* ugh i love how all these sub stories the guys pretend to be drunk for the sake of the MC who curiously wants to know what their guy is like drunk. anyways, so it starts off with the MC going to an ice dragons new year party with soryu & drinks quite a bit, so soryu has to carry her home & tells her don't drink too much anymore, it's not safe. then of course MC talks to baba who tells the MC when soryu is in a secure setting then he'll drink. which they all go to baba's to drink & soryu has a drinking contest then pretends to be drunk, which the MC doesn't know till she's walking him out & some punk wants to harass her then soryu jumps in & says no. soryu takes the MC alone to drink the next day & she pours her heart out on how she didn't wanna be a burden to him, but he tells her it's not that he doesn't want her to drink, he doesn't want her to show her vulnerable self to anyone but him. they have one last shot gun drink & the MC is hella drunk. they go back to his & yaaaaaaasss they get it on cause bold ass MC is now down to literally rip off soryu's clothes & get it on~ next day the others tell soryu how bad he's been & then point out his hickey on his neck from the MC, which she gets flustered & freaks out. then it goes to his POV being all sweet to her while she's asleep & thinking back the last few days in his POV. he then concludes to feel like he's been drunk off the MC~ it was a cute read, but felt pretty short tbh compared to eisuke's. same amount of chapters, but yeah idk..