Friday, December 19, 2014

BTS Season's Greetings 2015 & BTS Official A.R.M.Y 2기

BTS Season's Greetings 2015
so, i bought the bts season's greetings, which i've been wanting a season's greetings from other groups before like years before, but never like truly wanted it as much as bts's. it comes with a scheduler, pop up calender, making dvd & bunch of other stuff like a big calender poster!! it's such a nice color & bts's looks so cute in all the pictures~ my fangirl feeeeels~! LOL $50, i ordered from kpopmart.

BTS Official A.R.M.Y 2기
okay, so i always wanted to be an official fanclub member of one of my favorite kpop groups & finally i am able to be an official member of BTS's Official A.R.M.Y 2nd term! i never knew how to like become a member of fanclubs & such since i was way younger before when i wanted to & there hasn't been a boyband i've been so crazy obsessed with since bts so yeah! figured out how to go through that whole fancafe stuff, had an official shop account already too & i filled out/apply & ordered that membership & will probably get the membership box kit like in February (yay birthday gift to myself..) so when i'll get it, i''ll do a full review on that~ i'm really excited to be honest on getting this. so stay tuned for that post. it was $50 total that include shipping & such so yeah got on the btsofficialshop.