Wednesday, December 2, 2015

RIPUNCLEWOONGY111908: haha the internet is forever, where my uncle's footprints are left talking about me.

so browsing the internet & doing a lot of random google searching, found a post my uncle made talking about me on a forum about pokemon haha. my dear dead uncle, i've carried dragonite through out many games now & i still have it in my party in one of my games. my favorite pokemon & it even says it was given to me by you. i hope you're resting well, i miss you everyday & this find made my day knowing your footprints left online are still around haha. oh & i've been hustin' since elementary school obviously too xD

Dreamy Days in West Tokyo: Bride in Training

Why did i buy this sub story, because like it's season 3 when it takes place, so all the guys look soo good~ & also cause i wanted something new to read, instead of rereading my other routes, so i yeah, yolo! LOL i think it was worth because i got my 3 faves, Haru, Ichigo & Take~ as for the other two... i could care less sorry~ i did read Rihito's but i literally skipped johji's LOL sorry not sorry, actually sorry though.

basis: you're getting ready to be his future wife, so these are all like things wives would do for their man ya know? (; just kidding it wasn't smutty at all LOL or was it? keke

Haruki - haru season 3 is so hot to me.. like he looks ugh i love how he looks.. probably cause season 2 was like why is your hair brown? LOL anyways, so haru asks if you can tend to his house since he's been hella busy lately, you kinda go overboard on trying to be perfect that you don't spend enough time with him, even if you're with him, the MC picks to clean, cook & etc. makes haru feel like he hasn't been doing much which makes him get those robot vacuum cleaners so that you two can spend some quality time together~ but yeah i love how haru let's ya know you're perfect wife for him already, so no need to go above & beyond. wanting to take a bath with you gives me life, i feel like that's the it thing about west tokyo characters when it comes to some quality time (; but yeah he tells you let's work up a sweat before bathtime.. sooo ya know you & haru... HAHA you kinda know whatsup.

Ichigo - ah ichigo, my favorite, the main man of my dreamy days in west tokyo~ i love how he just says things so bluntly like how he'd have his way with you & such etc. i love ichy~ course this story is him & MC helping out a little boy because ICHY WILL BE A GOOD FATHER ONE DAY! LOL  but yeah this was a cute view on seeing ichigo act pretty fatherly, so yeah voltage hurry up with a storyline of MC having his baby already!

Takeshi - the MC tries to learn how his family cooks so that she could make him comforting food, but ends up lying to him that she's sick but you know admits her lies & course your loving fiancee understands & loves that you wanted to make him something from home~ it was sweet & i always feel like take is so forward about everything after season 1.

Rihito - y'all go to Vienna & some blonde hoe is like in love with him, but you know you're the only apple of his eye & you protect him for getting hurt cause you know he needs his fingers to be in tact to be a pianist! i feel like i'm whatevers about rihito tbh.

Johji - skipped, sorry he's like old to me & it weirds me out. probably cause his character looks hella old.. like maybe if he looked better?? LOL I'M SORRY!

OVERALL: i truly bought this for the Haruki, Ichigo, Takeshi & the CG LOL
impluse buy forsure.

My Last First Kiss: Sub Story: Close to Him♥

My First Last Kiss: Sub Story: Close to Him♥
Ayato - possessive ayato gives me life tbh.. probably cause it's like damn ayato is way too good for me.. he's a celebrity dating a peasant like me, the MC.. damn. anyways this one.. *spoiler* so ayato & you are gonna go on a date & you wear something he finds sexy that he wants to cover you up, so he quickly drags you to a clothing store & you tell him you liked your other outfit better, but then he tells you like he wants to be the only one seeing you that way then his fans hear him talking so he jumps into the changing room in there with you to hide from his fans. while he's holding onto you so tightly obviously your heart is literally beating out of your chest. he notices how turned on you are & kisses you & then more & more~ kekeke.. it was ugh my feels. then in his POV it's like nice to hear how much he feels about the MC, like all of how much he loves about her, i loved this.
Ichiya - as we know i am not the fondest of ichiya, it's not like i don't like him, i'm just meh about his personality.. & couldn't get through the first chapter of his main story, so i was like meh. anyways.. it comes with him in this sub story thing & damn tho, it was like a smut getting ready to happen.. *spoiler* HE KISSES THE MC ALL OVER THE PLACE after you went to his workplace to wait for him cause y'all had a date planned but yeah he was busy with work, so you wait around with his staff then he shows up & wants to punish you in a sense~ omg damn tho, ngl this was a good read, but it felt real short LOL
Riku - riku.. ah this is totally before his route was released of course, so it's like awkward but not really with him, but it's not like y'all dating was that type of feel & i was kinda annoyed with that cause i'm like HEY MAN HE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO KISS THE MC ALL OVER & SUCH, but nah nahh awkward af relationship w riku as always in these damn sub stories.. nothing like on the steps to getting it on with him in any of these, more just hugging & shit like K, I GUESS! voltage better step it up now that he's route is out, future sub stories with riku better hit me right in the feels & such!
OVERALL: was this worth $2.99? nah, it ain't come with no CG first off even that would've made it more worth & the stories were real short, it's like them free sweet cafe type feel of stories, not really wait cause some sweet cafe stories are longer & better but it's one of those short ones ya feel me? why did i buy? because ayato & riku LOL

My Last First Kiss: Riku Morimachi Season 1 Main Story & It's a Date

My First Last Kiss: Riku Morimachi S1 Main Story
OH MY GOD! WHERE DO I BEGIN. THIS ROUTE THO! okay, so Riku is that really cold type, who can't show his feelings well, but it's not like he's awkward, he's literally cold & doesn't know how to express himself well i guess?? but like he's so mature.. it's like GAH THIS ROUTE WAS SO ANGST & MESSED UP FEELING & it made me sad & happy at the same time, i truly love & hated this route so much! first off, the MC keeps living in the past a bit that riku is like a sweet baby angel, but also that they're relationship is awkward because *SPOILER?* THEY DATED BEFORE!!! when he was a last year in junior high & she was a first year in high school. so yeah, their relationship ended because they can't agree on anything & he couldn't express his feelings, which *SPOILER* you find out later on that he loved her since 3rd grade & that she's the only girl he truly loves & ever felt so deeply about, *cries*. so okay honestly ahead is pretty much spoiler of the entire route, so yeah sorry skip to the rest of this if you don't want to know. so there's literally this weird love triangle? square? like riku has a mentor, his mentor has a girlfriend, that girlfriend feels lonely at times & so her & riku have a fwb relationships to fill that empty void of loneliness they feel because riku is still pretty emo about the MC & his relationship. I HATED THIS SO MUCH, LIKE UGH probably cause i hella felt how the MC felt, the jealous feeling & how not right it all was. LUCKILY riku & the MC finally clear it all with each other about their true feelings, but like that hoe girlfriend of the mentor kept showing up crying like dafuq hoe leave riku alone, all you want is his dick cause we all know he cute af. anyways! MC stepped up & called out the hoe, i was like yass you go MC, tell that hoe straight up how it is! yadada, MC & riku awkward again, but then they had this promise to go to tokyo tower together & riku leaves pics of it for the MC & that makes her emo, so she runs to find him like a typical drama & OMG THEY FIND EACH OTHER RIGHT BEFORE THE LIGHTS GO OUT, i literally wanted to cry cause finally the MC told him that she loves him (bc he pretty much told her he loved her too prior during their trip where oh yeah they got into a fight at that time but made up & slept together (no smut) literally just slept together because they talked all night) when they kissed by the tower just like in the drama they talked about the entire route i was like YAASSS FINALLY~ **end of spoiler** SO! overall this route was a lot of back & forth feelings, angst, painful to read, pain, emotionally painful LOL, love&hate feelings & finally i literally wanted to cry mostly. was this worth? I FELT LIKE IT WAS WORTH, it was such a more mature themed storyline compared to the rest & i waited so long for riku's route to release because tbh i have such biased heart eyes for him.. the Morimachi brothers damn.. LOL speaking of brothers course you get at least 1 part of Mako cockblocking HAHA GOOD SHIT! & when Riku went to let Ayato know that the MC is his, i was like okay Ayato wasn't in this route that much, but that was funny to add because i'm pretty sure playing MFLK we all played Ayato's route, so we know how important the MC is to him (•̀•́)و

TBH LOVED HOW RIKU ACTS TOWARDS THE OTHER GUYS THE ENTIRE ROUTE, like he's so whatever towards them, even though they're like his older bros & he's the baby of the group with a innocent looking smile (so fake, he's so not) at times, he literally doesn't give a fuck about being the rude baby, like when he ate Ayato's food LOLOL

My First Last Kiss: Riku Morimachi S1 It's a Date
AH! RIKU IS SO DOWN TO KISS WHENEVER & WHEREVER I LOVE IT.. literally screaming because like idk i like Riku, even if i also hate him at the same time BC THE MAIN STORY REALLY HURT ME, but like bruh he seems so experienced & i'm like my sweet virgin MC tho. anyways, late night phone calls, etc. THIS IS ALL SO FRIGGIN' CUTE! then finally their date~ ughhh he's so sweet & thoughtful, when he got the MC crepes, i'm like what a sweet baby angel, but i feel the same way the MC felt with buying dressed like bruh did you go shopping with other hoes before. i feel for the MC, if i heard my boo wanted a certain type of girl i'd feel sad & try a little harder, but at the same time i was like, BE YOSELF GIRL, IF HE LOVES YOU, HE LOVES YOU FOR THE WAY YOU IS ALREADY~!! but this type of scenario is normal with voltage games, so i wasn't surprised. most of the girl MC's ain't no confident bitches. then when the other bros be complimenting the MC, riku just never says anything, like okay it's obvious he was annoyed/jealous & yeah he can't express how he feels well, but i was like MUHAHAHA YES FEEL HURT RIKU, FEEL IT FOR HURTING THE MC IN MAIN STORY (i was obviously truly hurt). quick random mention of Saori, like she's the biggest hoe ever but she a homegirl hoe in all these routes, i love it. SO WHEN THE MC & RIKU HAVE THEIR STAY IN DATE I WAS LIKE BRUHH GET IT ON, WHEN HE HAD TO SHOWER & SHE SAW HIM SHIRTLESS I WAS LIKE *nosebleeds* HE'S SO HOT & MANLY ‎( o ⌓ o) *makes my new wallpaper on my phone* ugh, foreal why is riku so hot.. but also pisses me off.. i love/hate it! WHEN HE TELLS HER SHE DON'T GOTTA ACT MATURE & JUST BE HERSELF CAUSE HE LIKES HER JUST THE WAY SHE IS! I WAS LIKE YOU SWEET BABY ANGEL! but man he's a beast, always down to pounce on the MC at any given moment, i love it.. i love it & like when they started making out... LIKE OKAY DID THEY FUCK OR WHAT? I FEEL LIKE THAT WAS SO AMBIGUOUS TYPICAL MFLK SHIT. I CAN'T WAIT TILL HIS STAY THE NIGHT NOW FOR A MORE DESCRIPTIVE SMUT HOPEFULLY? probably not? who knows, damn you MFLK HAHA MY FAVE APP.