Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Irresistable Mistakes: Toma Kiriya Season 1: Main Story

YO! OH MY GOD! THIS ROUTE WAS SO GOOD! like he's such a tsundere, but not really???? like he's not too mean where i hate him, like it's fun banter between him & MC & their relationship really develops well. they make really good partners like in work & their relationship because i feel like they better each other in the best ways. like she doesn't need him to be an amazing worker & he reminds her that all the time, i love it!! like you know most MC's in otome games depend on her man, but no this one is like "MC YOUS A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN!" with feelings! IT'S OKAY TO CRY BECAUSE STRONG GIRLS CRY! was literally the main theme of this route. 
honestly what i love about Irresistible Mistakes is how MC isn't a weak girl at all, she's strong woman & the guys know she's a strong & smart girl & always let's her know her best charms etc. i won't super analyze this route like i did for the first one i played (the boss shun) because honestly it doesn't need a long first impression review, these routes always surprise me with how well written they are & how character devolpment is shown well. when i read Toma's summary i thought oh man, is this route going to annoy me or is it going to be fun. i'm glad i played it because it was REALLY CUTE & realistic is the feel i get from all these routes (maybe cause i worked in marketing lul) but yeah he's a cutie with fun banter. WHEN MC & THE GUY HAVE SUCH A FUN BANTER RELATIONSHIP I'M ALWAYS LIKE UGH I LOVE IT?? LOL



LOL “ONE OF THOSE ROMANCE APPS” YOU MEAN LIKE THE ONE Y’ALL ARE IN RIGHT.. breaking the 4th wall shit just like how much they mention the LIAR! game in these routes LOLOL


i was like fuck it, i gotta buy ending set, i wanna see this short movie in full, it was worth, it was so UGH MY FEELS literally he's so straightforward about y'alls relationship now that it's like yes~ show all your sides to MC~ LOL also YO HIS VOICE ACTOR FITS PERFECT TOO~ sexy voice~ i hope there's more of these in the next seasons too because it's like a nice end to reading the stories.

okay but yo~ his CG's look so good & LOOK MC WITH EYES THIS APP DA BEST!

My Forged Wedding: Akito Kakiuchi: Season 4: The Shape of Love

i feel like this main story felt more like a short sub story LOL i love aki, so course i had to play it. it was a really cute story honestly! like i love how much these two have grown as a couple. before they wouldn't speak their minds on things, especially MC, but now she will let her husband know! & yo, like how much he teases her *0* LOL i loves it ;___; i'm a sucker for childhood friends trope & honestly at the end i was like AKI IS SO THOUGHTFUL MY HEART!! so yeah, i can't wait till the rest of his season 4, because i feel like i only got a bite of the cake that is this season, them being officially husband & wife now is so like oh my feels, how they're so cuddly with each other now. ughgh loves it.