Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Anime Expo 2018

ANIME EXPO 2018 ☆ Another year, another Anime Expo! This year marks 11 years since I first attended Anime Expo in 2007 & been going every year since 😅 & it’s my 3rd year cosplaying Chun-Li (a new full outfit & summer outfit this year 👊🏻) The days really flew by so fast! Can’t believe it’s over already! Of course, bought hella otome game merch 💕😅💸 I enjoyed taking my little cousins to keep our love of anime alive in our family, hanging out with friends & running into friends I haven’t seen in awhile too! ☺️💖 I hope everyone who went had a great time too! see y'all again next year (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧


Here's pics of the stuff i bought!
i go into detail of everything in my vlog~