Thursday, October 29, 2020

October 2020

 wow i haven't blogged on here since May.. that's like 5 months LOL.. i guess because of the pandemic this year it doesn't really feel like i've done much.. so there isn't much to blog about & i've really just been internet shopping away & going through ups & downs of my emotions per usual.. & yeah.. so it just feels like there wasn't much worth blogging? this year hasn't really felt like productive or anything really.. it's just been a sad year in general. i hope 2021 will be better, that tbh might be the next time i truly blog, i'll probably photo dump some stuff i've bought throughout these last few months soon too. maybe get back into otome game reviewing on this blog again too.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i hope everyone's been staying safe, wearing a mask & just staying afloat too. - K