Tuesday, August 1, 2017

My Last First Kiss: Takamune Kitami Season 3: Delivering the News

i love taka.. like omg he's literally dream dude.. goals.. lol get it goals, because he plays soccer.. HAHAHAHAHA ok i stop now. but seriously like now that him & MC has a relationship where they're more open & talking about everything i'm just like UGH MY HEART! & LIKE HE JUST KISSES HER WHENEVER LIKE BOOIIIIIII MY HEAR CANNOT TAKE THIS!! I LOVE YOU! honestly i love all the MLFK guys... that i've played routes of LUL, i really just love the trope okay tbh. i can't wait to read the next coming parts of his season. like reading his stories is always nice & relaxing read, i don't get pissed off & feel like chucking my phone to the wall LOL ALL I FEEL IS THAT MY MAN IS PERF & I AM A BLESSED MC HAHA but yeah this was a cute read honestly, MORE TAKA PLS (aside from my bias ass Riku my bae)

because i bought certain things, i got these certain freebies, WHICH YO TAKA YOU'VE FELT THE PANG OF JEALOUSY TOWARDS MC TALKING ABOUT AYATO IN YOUR HEART SINCE ELEMENTARY BOIIIII!!!! ;___; i was like omg.. while reading like he kept brushing aside the feeling, BUT IT'S BEEN THERE FOREVER~!!!! at least this route, MC is yours.. like entirely.. kekeke
adding this for the anon who asked!