Saturday, May 6, 2017

The 14th Factory

so today i got to visit the 14th factory in LA! of course i wanted to visit this place because i thought the 2001 space odyssey room was only in an exhibit in China, but found out they have it here too! not gonna lie, the place gave me an eerie feel, which is exciting to me to have that feel because i live for that kind of thrill haha. seriously felt like i took a step into the twilight zone. it was a really fun experience & i'm glad i got the chance to go! i hope 2017 i'll get to visit more art exhibits & museums~

went to bia coffee afterwards & ah~ it was so good! the theme is everything has flowers in it & usually i've had other places with floral drinks, but it's usually kinda overwhelming like drinking perfume, this place was different! it was really good! & it wasn't overwhelming & seriously the apple lemaonde was super yummy~! i also had a rose latte, which was really good, i had expected coffee flavor milk but really you do taste the coffee & hint of rose & a bite of the cake was nice & light, not a heavy cake, which i really liked~