BeWhy: The Blind Star 2017 LA
Went to BeWhy's LA show because it was being held at my uncle's venue & so i was like yolo LOL took my friend along with me of course, we got there early, sat around, went to his soundcheck & i was like oi.. i didn't get a picture with BeWhy at all yet ): so majority of the show that's what i was thinking about LOL & BeWhy came over to our side of the front a lot, i was in front of the pit on the right side LOL it was a fun show & then after the show i asked manager oppa (if y'all remember him from my post about going to crush's concert) if i could get a pic with BeWhy & he came through~ yee! LOL BeWhy was super nice T__T & i'm glad i got to personally meet him backstage after the show! great November start~!