Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Last First Kiss: Riku Morimachi Season 1 Stay The Night

My First Last Kiss: Riku Morimachi S1 Stay The Night
OMFG, I HATE STAY THE NIGHTS, like i hate it in a sense that i love it so much cause it gets you all ready for the MC & character to get it on, then it stabs you in the heart & twists it around, so much feels.. i love/hate it. anyways so gonna summarize this pretty much, so *spoilers* ahead. first chapter, RIKU IS A SNEAKY BASTARD KISSING THE MC OFF GUARD, UGH SO SLY. mentor & hoe shows up, which is weird that it isn't awkward like dafuq dis bitch used to fuck your man MC, why y'all chill?? ugh whatevers. you & riku get sent on a trip bc the mentor is lazy af to go. so riku with his hormones on high, be touching your hand under the table at conte with the other guys there & then when he walks you up to your apartment then he be saying "should i get my hopes up" CAUSE HE KNOW Y'ALL GONNA STAY THE NIGHT TOGETHER LIKE BRUHHH. course MC nervous af, bless her virgin soul. chapter 2, y'all get there & typical riku being cold af when you try to show him something cute then MC gets sad thinking aw shit, maybe he been on trips with other hoes before too. yadada y'all head to exhibit & MC tells riku how these pictures give off a warmth like his pics & he then holds the MC from the back in an embrace ughh feeels. then they meet the photographer guy & yeah then y'all go to a nearby park & riku takes pics then when he's done & you're sleepy sitting around in the grass.. HE PINS YOU DOWN & STARTS TO KISS THE HELL OUTTA YA. i screencapped it here. like damn RIKU, IN PUBLIC! after that "wakes you up" y'all head to the sake brewery where ya know you want to get souvenirs to remember today but he being cold af & opposite as you says why? but then agrees~ & the MC is all happy & shit. after they take a pic together & then riku asks why the MC has been sad at the station & she tells him everything & he admits this is his first time going on a trip with a girl he likes & first time buying souvenirs & such & how he thought the so called cute mascot wasn't cute cause cielo (his dog) is cuter. so all is cleared up, MC is happy everybody happy, OBVIOUSLY THE MC IS MAKING RIKU A WARMER PERSON~ BLESS HER SOUL! they head to the hotel & MC is obviously getting nervous af till suddenly riku gives her the room key & says they're in separate rooms! CHAPTER 3 BEGINS. MC confused af while taking a shower musters up the courage to say fuck it gotta fuck riku, not exactly those words but ya get the point. anyways she goes to his door & she's like "riku.. i want you" & he's like aw shit dude you know if you say something like that.. i'm a man you know.. LOL SO YAH HE GOT Y'ALL SEPARATE ROOMS CAUSE HE KNEW HIS HORMONES WERE GOING CRAZY & HE COULDN'T CONTROL HIMSELF. so yeah MC says it's fine as long as it's him, he pulls her in, they be kissing & then he goes to shower & the MC knocks the hell out.. MC & riku wake up the next day holding each other, but yeah obviously MC didn't get laid.. LOL so riku was like how about we do it now? & she's like freaking out cause not mentally prepared like she was the night before, but yeah he makes out with the MC, touching her all over, etc. but then gets cockblocked by the front desk saying it's time to check out, so MC getting laid is postponed (as usual in stay the night's). they get back, talk to mentor yadada he teases riku. MC asks riku if he wants to eat at conte, which he says no cause he knows he'd get tease again then offers to have dinner at his place cause mako gonna be home late & the MC of course is like oh shit he wanna get it on & he could obviously read her face & was like oh no i wouldn't risk being disturbed by my brother but if you want that to happen then we can go back to your place, up to you MC. & yeah omfg like byeeeeee riku.. making my heart & the MC's heart beat too fast, i cries.. LOL i love him & hate him at the same time as always bc of the main story ahahha ugh he's so hot. bye. season 2 now pls.

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