Sunday, June 23, 2019

Ayakashi: Romance Reborn

OKAY! so i started playing this the day the english version finally released & omg! I LOVE ;__; i feel like games with SSR, SR, etc. card type games always keep me entertained cause i feel like there's at least something entertaining to do. besides that like Kuya got my heart instantly his laziness & idk he's just my type HAHA & THEN THERES Tatsuomi Oyama the damn childhood friend trope, that's my shit y'all.. that shit hits me in the feels so hard LOL but overall so far, i love the friendship the MC has with the Ayakashi squad, like they care so much about her! i of course decided the first Book 2 route i start is Kuya's, so i'm looking forward to the development of the game & also because like how every characters personalities are so different it makes me want to actually play through everyones routes & with how the game play is with all the things to do this def where all of voltages schmoney went to LOL THIS DAMN GAME & ALL IT'S VOICE ACTORS. so yeah, i've been playing this game & love&producer a lot lately, so if y'all haven't been seeing any reviews of stories from Love 365, it's cause i'm farming in other games LMFAO i do hope to get back into the swing of things of writing reviews again! for now here's one! LOL

i literally cried when i got this SSR

omg my lazy boyfriend cares for my mental health to not be suicidal LOL

feel free to add me if you're playing too~

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