Monday, November 30, 2015

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Eisuke Ichinomiya Season 1 Main Story

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Eisuke Ichinomiya Season 1 Main Story
so, this was the first voltage inc. game i started playing that got me hooked in, probably cause me personally i enjoy some i guess mean dude that shows he cares later on in a sense not really??? idk like ok not gonna lie Eisuke is pretty mean tsundere type (he is the hotel you work at CEO & all), but obviously he loves the MC, like he has a reason for all the things he does & yeah. so kissed by the baddest bidder.. if you haven't played the prologue at least is like a pretty messed up situation LOL you're bought against your will & so yeah you're like a slave pretty much.. haha i personally liked this route because like you get to know other sides of him slowly & yeah like he protected you without you knowing & you find out later on & it's like DAMN THE FEELS MAN. if you're looking for a rough route lol like being a slave, this is for you, just know he's like hot but mean.

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