Monday, November 30, 2015

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh Season 1 Epilogue, Sequel & Epilogue Sequel

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh Season 1 Epilogue, Sequel & Epilogue Sequel
so i didn't play his main story, but for some reason i decided to switch gears the rest of season 1 & play Soryu's route instead of Eisuke's because i wanted to see how the mobster's girlfriend route would be like & honestly it was really cute like at first you know he's those robotic type characters where it's like hard for them to show how they feel but it's not like they're mean to you either it's like they're shy babies. anyways, Soryu's route was really sweet like he wanted to protect you & like show you how much he loves you now after all y'all been through together & that's how i felt about this route was really like you cracked open his cold outside shell he has & you get to see the soft side of him. so if you want a route where it's a more sweet than rough one than Soryu is for you~

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