Monday, November 30, 2015

My Forged Wedding: Yamato Kougami Season 3 Honeymoon & Honeymoon Epilogue & Sub Story: Yamato The Complete Set

My Forged Wedding: Yamato Kougami Season 3 Honeymoon & Honeymoon Epilogue
so i read yamato's my forged wedding story pretty much on the MFW: party app, so i thought okay for the actual app app, i will get just season 3, which i did & it was really cute like i love the mean teasing type guy, but he's more like the mean teasing friend than straight up mean asshole who's overly mean, like he's mean in a cute way? & he shows he cares & loves the MC a lot too like he literally will do ANYTHING to protect the MC from danger, didn't wanna spoil nothing, so that's all i'm going to say about this without killing it for y'all~

ah, this sub story set, i loved it.. LOL i like how jealous he gets, like when he wants you all to himself only, that gives me so much feels, not gonna lie haha! this complete set gives you 5 sub stories, it's so worth it compared to other sub stories that are short, it's all decent length & all entertaining to read, my favorite is the under the cherry blossoms.


  1. Where can I find this to read it?
    (App name/website/etc.)
    And if it's not released on the original app, do you by any chance know when it will be?

  2. the app is called "my forged wedding" & it's released already (:

    1. Oh, my apology, I meant to ask where I can find season 3, and if it's going to be released on the original app soon

    2. season 3 should be released already on the MFW app :o unless you're talking about the party app, then i'm not sure cause i don't play the party app just the regular app ):

    3. I was talking about the MFW Party app, since the MFW original doesn't work on my device, but thank you so much anyway! (:
